In commission for Fonk Magazine, I was asked by design agency D8 to make the physical award for The Coolest Dutch Brand 2021.

The concept of using the old ceramic award to make the new one was what brought Graham Sturt to my studio. I put my knowledge of using ceramic waste shards into this project to realize the physical award made from recycled ceramics. I transformed a 2d droplet shape into a 3d design, using hand shaped foam. This allowed me to add curves and details to the design, creating more depth and an interesting shape to look at. The shape is turned into a plaster mold to cast a large percentage (1/3) of shards from the previous award.

I used 1/3 of ground shards to make the clay for the droplet shape. The shards contained glaze and the blue parts were still visible after firing. A speckled pattern reminded of the former award. The award was glazed on the inside, using a red gradient and transparent glossy layer, referring to the ‘hot’ brand winning the award. On the back side of the award, we placed the QR code, navigating to the NFT showing how the award’s been made.

Fonk Magazine interviewed me about this project. The full story can be read here.